Why Build Integrations with Flume
Save Time & Money
Customers using Flume spend 80-90% less on integrations and complete 5-10x more integrations
Relieve your technical teams of integration workloads. Flume makes integrations no-code / low-code.
Build connectivity through Flume then manage all the data flow through a single secure platform
How It Works
Flume enables “Many-To-Many” integrations between disparate healthcare systems
Flume uses a canonical interop method - wherein payers and vendors/solutions connect to Flume one time, in their respective native formats. Flume then does the heavy lifting of translating between sources to various destinations. This bidirectional data movement happens automatically in a governed and secure environment.
Trade pharmacy claims from your claims system to PBMs. Perhaps trade eligibility data between your CRM and to PBMs. Or, any system to any PBM - your call.
Trade eligibility data from your data warehouse to a solution provider. Get engagement data back from the solution provider to your data warehouse. Or, any solution provider to any system - your call.
Transform data flows to a source of truth, as you embark on your data strategy or as you solidify data governance approaches -- making analytics, implementation, and administration seamless.
PBM Integrations
Trade pharmacy claims from your claims system to PBMs. Perhaps trade eligibility data between your CRM and to PBMs. Or, any system to any PBM - your call.
Solutions Integrations
Trade eligibility data from your data warehouse to a solution provider. Get engagement data back from the solution provider to your data warehouse. Or, any solution provider to any system - your call.
Payer Intra-Operability
Transform data flows to a source of truth, as you embark on your data strategy or as you solidify data governance approaches -- making analytics, implementation, and administration seamless.
Explore how Flume can enable you and your team
Additional Superpowers
Connector Management
Users can connect any system and vendor to Flume, agnostic of claims or administrative infrastructure. As endpoints, instruct these connectors to be sources or destinations of data.
Configurable Transmission and File Types
Flume works with each endpoint’s native file standards and types (i.e., PSV, CSV, TSV), interpreting it into the corresponding downstream requirement, via any transmission method for a file: SFTP, API, or Event Stream.
Built-in Testing Tools
Our friendly user interface gives you the ability to test and validate at key points of the data integration workflow: from connector credentials validating server identity and encryption to SQL mapping reducing manual errors.
Customer Controlled Data Storage
Flume only holds data for as long as necessary to complete a trading job. Any stored data is hosted in an environment you control.
Access Controls & Auditability
Assign different roles with varying levels of access to best ensure only authorized personnel have access to data they need. Have full visibility into all data interactions with Flume ensuring ultimate transparency and accountability.
Monitoring & Issue Resolution
Flume’s observability tools provides ability to track success / failure of every data transaction, along every step, allowing you to easily pinpoint and resolve issues. Be automatically alerted on key updates or detected issues.
Incremental Record Delivery
Flume has the ability to only exchange delta files: reducing downstream errors of sending full files and optimizing data egress required.
Record-Level Tracking & Reconciliation (COMING SOON)
For a specific data row, pinpoint specific data issues or confirm record / file matching, elevating your efficiency in data operations to the next level.
Speaking of superpowers, you won’t want to miss our teams insights on our resources page.
Flume was architected from the ground up to provide enterprise-level security, privacy, and compliance. Our platform is fortified by rigorous protections, policies, procedures, and controls to ensure the secure and compliant handling of your sensitive healthcare data.